Friday, February 8, 2008

Starbucks for a buck? Why not here?

I've always been annoyed at restaurants that don't show their entire menus, be it in print or on a billboard behind the counter.

Starbucks, for instance, doesn't put its "short" drink on the menu, even though at eight ounces, it's a much more reasonably sized coffee drink for most people.

And if you like espresso drinks, the less water and/or milk, the stronger the coffee flavor. Of course, if you go to Starbucks for a milkshake with a hint of coffee, you pass up the "tall" and "grande" in favor of the "venti."

Two weeks ago, Starbucks announced it would be offering $1 short coffees -- with free refills -- at a few of its Seattle stores. The chain didn't say how many of its 300 Seattle stores would carry the offer, though. A "tall" 12-ounce cup usually costs about $1.60 here in Fort Collins, while a short costs $1.35 in most spots (though you won't know until you ask).

Business analysts have astutely surmised that this 35-cent cut and re-fill trial is Starbucks' answer to all the "premium" coffeess now being sold at non-premium sites like McDonald's, Wendy's and Subway.

It's hard to say whether it will work, but if you're drinking Starbucks anywhere but Seattle, ask your local barista why they don't advertise the "short" (not enough profit margin in selling eight ounces of coffee), if you can have one for $1 (please), and if they provide a re-fill for free (you'll be getting a "grande" at half-price that way).

Why should Seattle-ites get all the buzz?


Matt Brown said...

No short on the menu? At least the "short" coffee sounds like an actual amount. I always seem to get "grande" and "venti" mixed up (since they have no inherent descriptive qualities) and I sound like an idiot when I order. Oh well.

Phony Gwynn said...

Well, you found me, Jeff. As you could tell, I haven't really changed much since the old Collegian days. Honestly, though, sometimes I do tackle serious subjects and write posts that don't consist mainly of racist stereotypes and flatulence jokes.

Drop me a line at Adam.Sivits at gmail. I'd love to hear how you've been.

Oh, and White Russians are better than Mojitos. Just sayin'.